Manuka honey from New Zealand diet of bees is manuka bush.
And 'known for its anti-bacterial properties that are good for the healing of wounds and injuries, damages the body's cells is known.
Manuka honey is good for digestion, stomach ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain and constipation. Helps soothe and heal and sore throats, colds, flu, sinusitis, heartburn, when taken orally. In the mouth, is also used for external problems such as minor burns,Regrowth of tissue, skin rashes, pressure sores, ring worm, etc., and many other ways in which it is useful to our body.
There are two major rating to ensure the selection of Manuka Honey. These are UMF, Unique manuka factor, and MGO, methylglyoxal (or pyruvaldehyde) level.
UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) is to measure the amount of starch contained in the antibacterial product. It ranges from 0 to 30, where 0 indicates no anti-bacterial strength and very prepresents 16high antibacterial activity.
MGO Manuka honey is found in levels up to 100 times more than other honeys from about 100 to 700 mg / kg of payload. MGO level considered more as a UMF rating because MGO is a direct assessment of anti-bacteria concentration in the honey, instead of comparing the type of evaluation method of the UMF, which some experts see, not as taken as reliable. Methylglyoxal is not only good for anti-bactrialLeads to the repair activities of cancer cells and fights again.
The users of Manuka Honey tells of many benefits, including those listed above and other advantages such as healing for children with eczema, which for many years that did not help much, even after doctors as a miracle after taking Manuka Honey MGO 400 + pre-existed.
Some who had respiratory problems also took manuka honey, having advised by a doctor and the man did not stop, they noticedgreat improvements and many other benefits.
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